LISN Lab Facilities

EGI EEG net 128-channel
EGI EEG acquistion Mac
Polhemus Fastrak
EyeLink 1000 eye tracker
Testing Cubicles
The LISN Lab houses specialised equipment designed to investigate the inner language of the mind through multiple methodological approaches.

EEG and Physiological Measurement Facilities

      Our lab features an EGI 128-channel EEG system for high-density electroencephalographic recordings. This setup provides exceptional temporal resolution for capturing neural activity patterns associated with inner speech and language processing.
      The system is enhanced by a Polhemus Fastrak system which maps precise electrode positions on each participant's scalp, creating detailed 3D models that improve the accuracy of source analysis.
      We also monitor key physiological indicators including skin conductance, heart rate, and respiratory patterns. These measures provide valuable insights into autonomic nervous system activity that accompanies internal speech processes and emotional responses, offering a complementary perspective to neural activity data.
      Advanced data analysis of EEG and physiological recordings is supported by Lancaster University's Link High End Computing (HEC) Cluster. This powerful computing resource provides access to over 14,000 computing cores and advanced GPU capabilities, enabling sophisticated signal processing and analysis techniques essential for extracting meaningful patterns from complex neurophysiological data.

Eye Tracking Facility

      Our Eyelink 1000 eye tracking system allows us to examine how inner speech and cognitive processes are reflected in eye movement patterns. By measuring gaze patterns, fixations, and pupil responses, we can gain insights into attentional processes and cognitive load during internal language generation and processing tasks.

Behavioral Testing Laboratories

      We maintain multiple climate-controlled or soundproof testing laboratories designed for behavioural experiments. These spaces support our research on self-talk and the behavioural correlates of inner speech and cognitive processing.
      Our research capabilities extend beyond physical labs through institutional access to, enabling online experiments with diverse participant samples that complement our in-lab studies on inner language.

Collaborative Research Access

      Through established research networks, LISN researchers access complementary technologies including Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), Virtual Reality environments, and Motion Tracking systems. These methodologies enable us to investigate the neural foundations of inner speech through temporary modulation of brain activity and to explore embodied aspects of language processing through immersive, interactive experimental paradigms.